Refirmware costycnc

How to refirmware a costycnc cnc polystyrene cutting machine

In some cases...when your machine doesn't have the new firmware or in case the machine doesn't work really well (and here are multitudes of reasons and this too) can change or renew the firmware.

The page with all the firmware can be found here:

After you click on the link above if you open this page:

Before clicking the button with firmware ... I recommend disconnecting the USB cable and reconnecting ... to be sure that the port is free and not already busy if you have already connected previously!

That is... pull the USB cable from the computer and insert... then click the first button "nano with new bootloader[]"

A window opens where you have to choose the port to which the machine is connected.


When you click the Connect button (after you have selected the port)... if the firmware is the right one... it starts loading to the machine:

That is... if you clicked on the right firmware... you selected the correct port... you freed the port by unconnecting and reconnecting the USB cable... the progress starts growing
re as in the photo below until the writing DONE!

If this doesn't happen... start again... disconnect and reconnect the USB cable... click the second button... select the port and click connect...

If before you couldn't see how procenti grows... now it has to happen...

After you have loaded the firmware ... disconnect and reconnect USB to make sure the port is free ... and proceed as normal!

Go to page and do some tests!

If the machine moves in opposite directions, rotate the cable that comes from the motors and enters the board.


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Costycnc refirmware macchina taglia polistirolo cnc