Arduino esp32 compile bluetooth error "Bluetooth is not enabled! Please run make menuconfig to and enable it"

 I try to compile for first time to run first example with arduino ide 

but i received a error

C:\Users\yourpc\AppData\Local\Temp\.arduinoIDE-unsaved20221130-11528-2d3pyc.76ioa\SerialToSerialBT\SerialToSerialBT.ino:10:2: error: #error Bluetooth is not enabled! Please run `make menuconfig` to and enable it
 #error Bluetooth is not enabled! Please run `make menuconfig` to and enable it
C:\Users\yourpc\AppData\Local\Temp\.arduinoIDE-unsaved20221130-11528-2d3pyc.76ioa\SerialToSerialBT\SerialToSerialBT.ino:14:2: error: #error Serial Bluetooth not available or not enabled. It is only available for the ESP32 chip.
 #error Serial Bluetooth not available or not enabled. It is only available for the ESP32 chip.

So i study a little the code...

In header i see that call #include "BluetoothSerial.h"

I open "BluetoothSerial.h" located in

And i see that call "sdkconfig.h"

But in 
C:\Users\yourpc\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.5\tools\sdk\esp32s2 folder is sdkconfig without extension .h

So i put .h extension to sdkconfig

And UPS... !!! ::)

the Esp32 S2 seem that not have bluetooth!!!

but compiled for esp32 not give error

The board manager url is

The board selected is esp32S2 

I have s2 esp32 module

Boards manager installed is esp32 by Espressif systems


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